Radovan Karadzic
The Serbian police squeezed this in after the European Cup, right before their holidays on the sea coast. Or the international police forces squeezed this in while most of the forces were on their annual holiday, and just a few were left to work with.
Holbrook, who “negotiated” the Dayton Accords of 1995, called Karadzic "a real, true architect of mass murder." Real and true are positive words. We may hear them in an advertisement to describe the taste of a filtered cigarette in the 1950s. Not for Karadzic. Karadzic is evil. Former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright told NPR that Karadzic's arrest is "extremely significant." "He really is the person who was behind the systematic ethnic cleansing — murder — of several hundred thousand Bosnians," she says. "It does show that justice will prevail."
It does not show that justice will prevail. It does show that politicians will say things that mean “let’s forget we allowed him to massacre hundreds of thousands of people, many of them poor Muslims, and then let him go for 13 years. Let’s just concentrate on how this is not a continuation of the war and connecting the war to EU accession, even though we saw we want peace and reconciliation in the region.”
This is what the US press, at least NPR said, "What NATO couldn't do for 10 years, apparently the crack Serbian police did," NPR's Tom Gjelten noted Monday, in an on-air conversation with Robert Siegel. The crack Serbian police. Daj, molim te. I am not listening to NPR anymore. http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=92762470&ft=1&f=1004
This is a pretty good news article about Karadzic: http://www.theaustralian.news.com.au/story/0,25197,24063046-28737,00.html by Jamie Walker.
Yes, I am angry about it.